Artist Research: Marion Bolognesi

Marion Bolognesi studied Illustration in Massachusetts College of Art and Design and  works and lives in New York City where she does bit of working on accessories designs and other parts of her time on her watercolour designs which focus’s on human faces and features and also how the face reflects whats underneath in some of her other work as some of them look like the human skull.

Her work study’s a lot on the features of the facial features like the eyes and lips and has them in great detail while the rest of the face is a a mass of different colours.

As you can see by this piece above focuses on the eye and uses a lot of different colours around this small area and has some drip detail under the eye. You can also she the tone she has used is darker round the eye and then ets lighter as it goes outwards.

This one as you can see focuses a lot on shading with the contrast on the dark eyes and nose and the bright colours around the rest of the face which gives this place a skull looking effect. Also with her letting the watercolour drip its like she has shown the emotion of the person she has painted.

In this piece i can see again how she has made the face into a skull using the different blues as different layers on the human body. In this piece there is a pallet theme with all the blues and it seems that it goes around Colour and Tone in that she has used both to create a sad sort of feeling towards the emotions in the painting.

Overall looking at this artist work i feel it links very much into the workshop i did with Sorrel and goes in with the theme of Close Up in that she shows detail closely and works with the different human layers. I think that after looking at some of her work she would be good inspiration and that even if i use a different media and materials these pieces will be good for generating ideas.

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